Nasza Loteria SR - pasek na kartach artykułów

Matura 2013: Język angielski. Sprawdź szczegółowe odpowiedzi i wskazówki

Jacek Babicz
Sprawdź, czy zaznaczyłeś takie odpowiedzi i dobrze rozwiązałeś zadania z języka angielskiego! Poniżej znajdziecie arkusze, a na nich sugerowane, poprawne odpowiedzi. Specjalnie dla Czytelników Kuriera Lubelskiego testy rozwiązali angliści z Prywatnego LO im. I. J. Paderewskiego: Aneta Miśkiewicz i Barbara Gondek-Błaszków.

Zadanie 1
1.1. Runners in this marathon cover over 40 kilometres every day. (FALSE)
1.2. To stay in the race, the runner has to be faster than the riders on camels. (TRUE)
1.3. Each morning runners get water for the whole day. (FALSE)
1.4. Runners are allowed to carry as much baggage as they want. (TRUE)
1.5. The speaker instructs listeners on how to prepare for a marathon. (FALSE)

Zadanie 2
2.1 I admired the bride’s appearance. (D)
2.2 A. I felt proud and patriotic. (A)
2.3 I felt a bit sad watching the ceremony. (F)
2.4 I did not notice much interest in the event. (B)
2.5 I was touched by the emotions of the crowd. (E)

Matura 2013. Czytaj nasz serwis specjalny

Zadanie 3
3.1. A. couldn’t earn her living in another way.
3.2. A. limit direct human contact with animals.
3.3. C. A zookeeper should be fit.
3.4. B. are better educated than older keepers.
3.5. C. presents different aspects of her job.

Matura 2013: Polski i matematyka - poziom rozszerzony [PRZECIEKI, ARKUSZE, PYTANIA]

Zadanie 4
4.1 Divide the selection process into parts. (C)
4.2 Prepare a few questions to ask over the phone. (F)
4.3 Plan when to meet each candidate. (A)
4.4 Think of the right place. (D)
4.5 Talk it over with other flatmates. (H)
4.6 Don’t hurry with the final decision. (G)
4.7 Talk to the candidate’s colleagues. (B)

Zadanie 5
5.1. After six months in Florence, Sue was satisfied with her progress in Italian. (TRUE)
5.2. When living in Italy, Sue remained very close to her friends back home. (FALSE)
5.3. Sue’s friend sent her an unusual drawing for her 19th birthday. (FALSE)
5.4. Niccolo reminded Sue of herself when she was the same age. (TRUE)
5.5. Sue tricked Niccolo into doing everyday things he didn’t like. (TRUE)
5.6. The story is about how a girl celebrated her birthday with relatives in Italy. (FALSE)

Zadanie 6
6.1. D. He was single all his life.
6.2. B. sometimes gave him unexpected gifts.
6.3. A. were impressed by his handwriting.
6.4. C. a British monarch.
6.5. A. boxes.
6.6. D. show the collection to the public.
6.7. C. somebody’s lifetime hobby.

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